Strawberries Melissa, Marimbella® (Nsg 203) and Rossetta® (Nsg 120), developed by Policoro-based Nova Siri Genetics, meet the expectations of many wholesalers and conquer more and more spaces on the national market. This was confirmed by three wholesalers of three Italian markets: Vincenzo Summo of Nature Service (Milan), Andrea Manoli of Galeazzo Paolo (Padua) and Riccardo Lucci of La Fruttiera (Rome).
"We are witnessing a positive campaign for Melissa, Marimbella® and Rossetta® - comments Summo, who collaborates with Policoro-based Compagnia delle Primizie - Usually after 24 hours, the strawberry dehydration process begins and is visible to the naked eye. The NSG varieties, on the other hand, seem to bypass this problem, distinguishing themselves in terms of resistance from the rest of the offer. This is, in my opinion, their trump card ".

"Melissa, Marimbella® and Rossetta® are the best for a wholesaler - adds the owner of Nature Service - They are good, have a greater consistency than other varieties and maintain their integrity, beauty and shine for several days. 99% of our customers are rewarding us for our persistence in always promoting fresh products made with careful selection / production ".
Andrea Manoli, salesman of Padua-based agri-food centre Galeazzo Paolo, is very satisfied with Melissa's results: "We have been collaborating for almost 20 years with the San Pietro di Parete cooperative (Caserta) which, in the last 2-3 years, has made great strides with Melissa. There has been a real leap in quality in terms of consistency in quality, but also in terms of product presentation. And the response from our customers has always been satisfactory ".

Melissa has also overcome the thermal changes of the last few months in the best possible way. "Although the strawberry season has been conditioned by several returns of cold, we have never had problems with supply discontinuity. Melissa is already sweet even before its ripening, keeping for many days levels of crunchiness and flavour that are difficult to find in other strawberries. The sore point is transport, as the Campania carriers make the product arrive late regularly. Almost every morning, the truck arrives at least half an hour after vegetable markets open. This is a pain in the neck for us, as it does not allow us to reach the maximum prices".

Melissa's good commercial performance is also confirmed by Riccardo Lucci, owner of La Fruttiera who, for almost 30 years, has been distributing strawberries from Basilicata to the Car in Rome: "Melissa responds not only to our needs but also to those of Southern Italian producers we work with. It is an excellent strawberry which guarantees continuity and productive yields even at a time like the present one, in which other varieties are suffering in terms of volumes ".
Lucci is also marketing Rossetta® (opening photo) and Marimbella® "with good commercial results - he specifies - Rossetta® is an elite strawberry, one of the best ever in terms of crunchiness and goodness. Personally, I strongly believe in the future development of Marimbella®, which we are handling in limited volumes. In fact, I believe that the Rome Car is an exceptional market for the aesthetic characteristics of Marimbella®. It has a tonal fruit, not too big and always uniform in terms of colour and size. It therefore responds perfectly to the demand.

Source: Italiafruit News