The wholesaler Fapanni (Ortobergamo) takes stock of Marimbella and Rossetta
The more qualified a fruit is, the more it is rewarded on the market, especially when it comes to strawberries. This is the opinion of salesman of the Ortobergamo company, who explains to IFN the added value of the fruits of the Basilicata area.
“At a glance you can see the results of the research that in this region, in particular Nova Siri Genetics, has been carrying out for some years - he says - above all for Marimbella and Rossetta: the first variety is the earliest and it can be found on the market already at the end of November, always keeping its characteristics of sweetness, crunchiness and bright red color intact. It is a fruit that continues to improve day by day, while some varieties that have been on the market for 25 years cannot hope to achieve the same results".
And he continues: “Rossetta is also an excellent variety, even sweeter than Marimbella but not as early. This year Rossetta has also renewed its packaging with the Gold version (in the photo below): these are 400 grams baskets with 8-9 aligned fruits that represent the top selection of the fruit. The strawberry gains value with a packaging studied in detail: in terms of presentation, it looks more like a box of chocolates than a pack of strawberries. This new package will be available on the market in a few days”.

The results in terms of varietal improvement have an important economic impact: Ortobergamo is marketing Marimbella at 6.50/7 euros per kilogram (against 6 euros in the recent weeks) while Rossetta is distributed at 7.50/8 euros per kilogram (against 7 euros in the last weeks). “These are excellent prices, and the consumer demand is also really good – comments Fapanni – people choose them because they really make a difference, both in terms of aesthetics and taste. On the contrary, the product of other regions, such as Sicily, hardly manages to approach these quotations. A motivation that must be found first and foremost in varietal research which should be, at least, strengthened”.

Strawberry volumes are currently decreasing considering the low temperatures that are being recorded in these days in the Basilicata area. “In the last few days, the snow has blocked the growth of the seedlings - says Fapanni - Fortunately, Marimbella is a rustic variety and keeps ripening anyway. If volumes continue to drop and the demand remains the same as today, prices will truly skyrocket".

The prices of berries are very different, whose volumes are in sharp decline compared to a month ago. “I'm selling the raspberries for 20 euros a box”, comments Fapanni.
Source: ItaliaFruit